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How does ADAPTIL Transport work?

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Are you feeling apprehensive about taking a car journey with your dog? It's not uncommon for dogs to be nervous when travelling, but they can be trained to enjoy travelling more!
If your dog is showing signs of anxiety or stress around cars, ADAPTIL Transport could help!

What is ADAPTIL Transport?

In the wild, puppies and adult dogs often live in groups and exchange natural messages released into the air these are called pheromones. These appeasing messages are emitted by the mother dogs during lactation and around the ears of adult dogs.

ADAPTIL Transport provides your dog with this appeasing pheromone, which cannot be released by humans: it contributes to their well-being and helps them adapt to stressful situations, like when travelling.

Sign that your dog is uncomfortable or anxious

Dogs have super sensitive hearing and can hear noises earlier and much more acutely than humans. If they have not yet acclimated to the sound of car horns, or cars passing by on rainy days, these sudden noises could make them nervous and, therefore, show signs of being uncomfortable or anxious when you take them outside.

If your dog seems restless when they are around cars and they start panting, trembling, salivating or even vomiting, you need to take action to allay their fears.

Helping them to get used to cars may take some time, but with patience, gentle training and supportyou'll soon be travelling around.

When to use ADAPTIL Transport?

Some people need to travel with their pooches regularly for example, there may not be any suitable green spaces to walk your dog locally; you need to travel to go and visit friends and relatives; or you need to use a car to take your dog to the vet for a checkup.

Using ADAPTIL Transport before travelling will help your journey be more relaxed.

How to use ADAPTIL Transport?

When you plan to travel in the car with your dog, spray ADAPTIL Transport on your dog's bedding, in your carrier or in the car about 15 minutes before you travel.

If you are planning a long car journey, you can re-spray every 4-5 hours, but remember to remove your dog from the car before spraying. Always leave about 15 minutes before putting your dog back in the car.

Never spray directly onto your dog or spray the carrier when your dog is inside it.

It is important to note:

  • ADAPTIL Transport is not indicated to help motion sickness when travelling by car. For this reason, we recommend your dog should not have eaten for at least 6 hours prior to travel to avoid nausea and vomiting, but do not limit water before travelling.
  • Your dog's issue with car travel may not be related to travel stress. It's a good idea to contact your vet for a check-up as it may be that there is an underlying medical issue which is affecting your dog.
  • Remember that training can also help your dog to accept car travel as a normal part of their life.

Other tips for travelling with your dog

As well as using ADAPTIL Transport to support your pooch, these tips should help you travel safely and calmly!

  • Train them to use and be comfortable in a carrier, or wearing a car harness before you start using them in the car.
  • Before the journey, help your dog get used to being around the car. Let them sniff and explore the car when it is stationary; show them their 'space' in the car, whether it's a crate, or where they will be restrained with a harness; put some familiar items like their blanket or favourite toy beside them; sit in the car together with the engine running, but don't drive; after a few times doing this, start taking short trips. Always reward your dog when they are calm with quiet praise during the process.
  • Make sure you give yourself enough time before the journey to go at your dog's pace the ymay not be ready for a car journey straight away, but need a couple of times just sitting in the car without the engine on to adjust.
  • Associate their first journeys with pleasant things, like going to the park.
  • Keep the first journeys short. When on longer journeys, stop at least every couple of hours for exercise and to allow them to go to the toilet.
  • Only feed them with a light meal before you travel. This will help limit car sickness if they are prone to it.
  • Take plenty of water with you on the journey and make sure they have a drink when you stop for a break.
  • Keep the car well ventilated and never leave your dog unattended in the car.
  • You can also try playing music in the car that helps calm your dog after all, it's proven that certain types of music can help put your dog at ease.
Training your dog from a young age to accept that travelling by car is a normal part of life, will enable them to join you in all sorts of adventures and activities and build their confidence.

Happy travels!

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