Easter warning – Chocolate is poisonous to both cats and dogs
Friday, 1 April 2022
Why is chocolate poisonous?
Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine), which are extremely toxic to our pets. Their bodies can’t deal with them the same as ours can which is why you should never give your pet access to chocolate.Chocolate poisoning rockets over the easter and christmas periods, when as a nation we have more chocolate around the house. Always be vigilant and make sure chocolate is out of the reach of prying paws and that all little Easter eggs such as these are picked up around your garden after the Easter egg hunt.
Is all chocolate bad?
The higher the cocoa content, the more toxic the chocolate.Therefore darker chocolate and better quality chocolate are most toxic.
Did you know that some good quality milk chocolate can be up to 65% cocoa? That’s higher than some dark chocolate!
You should never take the risk if your pet has eaten chocolate, get them seen by a vet straight away (never wait or it could be too late).
What are the symptoms of chocolate poisoning?
- Vomiting – may even include blood
- Diarrhoea
- Breathing rapidly
- Restlessness
- Hyperactivity
- Increase heart rate and breathing rate
- Rigid muscles
- Incoordination
- Seizures
What should I do if I think my dog has eaten chocolate?
Your vet only has a short, limited time frame to try to minimise the absorption of poisons before they can cause harm and so an immediate appointment is essential and potentially life-saving.Click here to follow our advice
NEVER GIVE CHOCOLATE AS A TREAT (no matter how small, as your dog may get the taste for it and steal some at a later date)